Games Open source Programming Projects

Moon Bus :: PICO-8 game

I couldn’t resist the temptation to get down to coding a game like it was the 1980s again: small screen, huge pixels, 8-bit values, limited resources, limited instruction set, lots of fun.

PICO-8 is a fantasy console that only ever existed as an emulator. But oh boy, what a fun and well executed concept. I bought the license (sic, this is not a free nor open source software) so that I could play it on my Anbernic RG35XX H emulator console. And it is an amazing experience, being able to play 8-bit retro games that are freshly released and wirelessly downloaded onto a handheld device.

Since PICO-8 provides an all-in-one environment for games development, I decided to give it a try. Enter Moon Bus. This is a simple ‘Lunar Lander’-like game, where you have to travel from station to station, landing several times in a row to carry passengers around a low-gravity planet. I had a lot of fun building this and subsequently playing this on my handheld.

You can find the game on the official PICO-8 site: Moon Bus at

I love that there are still options to get into simple programming, without any need for massive frameworks and libraries. It is a refreshing experience and it really reminds me of coding way back when you didn’t have that many options or expectations. You definitely don’t need a cluster of GPUs to compile shaders like with other current platforms.

Awesome Linux Open source PinePhone Projects

Mouse in a Pipe

Have you ever wanted to control your notebook directly from your desktop? How about controlling your phone? Wouldn’t it be better to type that chat message using a real keyboard? I wanted the same thing, so I wrote an app for that!

More precisely I created a tool that enables you to redirect mouse and keyboard events from one device to another. It’s like you reconnected your mouse and keyboard, but without the physical effort! All of this happens on a very low level (through the kernel) so this works seamlessly with any application you want to control. All you need is a Linux OS on both of the devices.


One more interesting point is that the input events are pushed through a pipe, which is a generic way of transferring data among processes in Unix-based operating systems. It is up to you how you decide to transfer the data. Though most likely it will happen via SSH. You can easily generate input events on your main computer and then pipe them through SSH to your secondary computer (or a phone) and control it that way. Or you might decide to create a TCP connection and pass the data through that. That’s up to you!

And you know what else is this useful for? That’s right, you can finally play OpenTTD on a PinePhone with the full comfort of a mouse and keyboard!

Linux Open source PicoPosts PinePhone Projects

Arch Linux ARM Installer for PinePhone

I started building an automated Arch Linux ARM installation and customization set of scripts to be used for the PinePhone. The aim is to make the process easier while still being able to customize every aspect of the OS.

Repository URL:

Arch Linux ARM running LXDE, Firefox and Onboard keyboard.

Arch Linux ARM was the best OS for PinePhone I’ve seen so far. It might be due to personal preference, but I just love how you have the full power of Arch on your mobile phone.

And if Arch is not your thing, at least you can learn what are the steps required for bringing a Linux OS into a PinePhone.

Ideas Open source Programming Projects Technology

Idea: Tiny E-Ink Reader

I was shopping around on Aliexpress, looking at the current options for a small e-ink display. To find out if there was maybe something I could attach to the back of my future PinePhone. And then I discovered this:

LILYGO® TTGO T5 V2.2 ESP32  2.9″ EPaper Plus Module E-Ink Speakers


It is an ESP32 SoC with a 2.9″ e-ink display, microSD card slot, speaker and 4 buttons, all on a single board. Ready to be programmed. There is even a GIT repository (not just one, but two!) for a ready-built firmware.

This gave me an idea — how about building a tiny low-power, WiFi/Bluetooth-enabled ebook reader? Sounds like a plan!

I ordered the “version 2.4” of the board, whatever that means: Aliexpress link

2.9″ black and white version

Originally I was considering getting the Black-White-Red version of the display, but then I found out that the red color takes ages (up to 8 seconds) to redraw, so I went for the regular e-ink display. Hopefully it comes soon!

Awesome Open source Programming Projects Technology

How to use an ESP8266 — a jumpstart tutorial

If you haven’t done so already, go buy yourself an ESP8266-based board. It is a powerful little microcontroller. Something like Arduino but with WiFi.

ESP8266 in the wild

What hardware to get

What software to get

  • ESP open SDK
    • Contains all the tools needed for compiling your own ESP firmware.
  • NodeMCU firmware
    • This converts the ESP to a LUA-powered computer.
  • ESPlorer
    • Very helpful serial terminal with direct ESP8266 and NodeMCU support

What to do with it all

  1. Find the pinout of your board. Get the connections ready (USB-UART + 3.3V power source + ESP8266)
    • 3.3V to VCC, GND to GND
    • RX to TX and TX to RX (ESP–UART).
    • CH_PD to VCC
    • Leave Reset floating, connect to GND to reset the chip when needed.
    • Pull the GPIO0 low for flashing.
  2. If you just want to get the ESP fired up, use the and upload the precompiled NodeMCU bin images.
  3. If you want to play around some more, get the SDK and NodeMCU source code. Compile the former and then the latter. Flash our own bin images.
  4. Remove GPIO0 connection to leave the flashing mode.
  5. Open the ESPlorer and issue some commands to the chip!

Useful links

  • Dejvino’s NodeMCU firmware
    • Forked from the original NodeMCU firmware repository. Contains a new Sniffer module — packet sniffing functions exposed to the LUA interpreter. This allows WiFi packet sniffing using the ESP8266.
  • NodeMCU API
    • List of provided LUA functions in the NodeMCU firmware.
  • LUA language reference
    • Beware that not everything is supported in the ESP version of LUA.
Awesome PicoPosts Projects

Playful Little Corpses Released

My very own horror game “Playful Little Corpses” is now released.

Playful Little Corpses

To find out more about it, head to the project entry page or to the main page of the game. Download it and give it a try!

Project entry page:

Main page:

Awesome PicoPosts Projects

Projects page is open

I’ve opened a new page dedicated to the projects I worked on. You can find links to source code of various games and utilities. Every project entry is described in short and you know whether it was just an idea I didn’t have time to finish, or a fully working product.  The list goes years back.

Link to the actual website:

Awesome Linux Open source Programming Projects Technology Web development

HTTP and HTTPS running on the same port

Running HTTP and HTTPS on the same port with Apache. They said it couldn’t be done. They were wrong!

I’ve modified a simple Python port forwarding utility to act as a port multiplexer that can automatically forward HTTP and HTTPS requests to the appropriate ports. If the request looks like an HTTP in plain text, it forwards it to port A. Otherwise it is assumed to be HTTPS and is forwarded to port B.

Now you can run your web applications from a single port, regardless of using HTTP or HTTPS. Hooray!

Linux Open source Privacy Projects Technology Web development

How to become a Certification Authority

This short How-To has been compiled based on the work I’ve done so far while building my personal home server. To achieve reasonable level of privacy without spending a fortune on it, I’ve become my own Certification Authority (CA).


These are the basic steps covered later in detail:

  1. Create a CA key and certificate.
  2. Create a server key and a Certificate signing request (CSR).
  3. Sign the CSR using the CA key.
  4. Use the new server certificate in Apache.
  5. Import the CA certificate into your browsers.
  6. … Profit!

What this results in is a single certificate file for your CA that you distribute and import into your browsers (PC, phone, …). Every individual signed server / service certificate you create and use is then automatically recognized as valid and trusted. If you are using a personal set of services (various web applications, XMPP server, etc.), this saves you a lot of “exception adding”, just import one (your) CA certificate and everything is working, no need for the browser to nag about self-signed certificates.

Detailed how-to

Creating a CA key pair

First, prepare your “playground”, a data storage somewhere on your (preferably Linux) computer. It should look like this:

 |-- conf     ... for configuration files.
 |-- private  ... for private CA key (protect this directory!)
 |-- public   ... for public CA key
 |-- requests ... for incoming CSR
 +-- certs    ... for resulting certificates

Now cd to the root-ca directory. Create a configuration file conf/openssl.conf with the following content:

[ req ]
default_bits            = 2048
default_keyfile         = ./private/root.pem
default_md              = sha1
prompt                  = no
distinguished_name      = root_ca_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_ca

[ root_ca_distinguished_name ]
countryName             = UK
stateOrProvinceName     = Sussex
localityName            = Brighton
0.organizationName      = Example Inc
commonName              = Example Inc Root CA
emailAddress            =

[ v3_ca ]
subjectKeyIdentifier    = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier  = keyid:always,issuer:always
basicConstraints        = CA:true

[ ca ]
default_ca              = CA_default

[ CA_default ]
dir                     = .
new_certs_dir           = ./certs/
database                = ./conf/index
certificate             = ./public/root.pem
serial                  = ./conf/serial
private_key             = ./private/root.pem
x509_extensions         = usr_cert
name_opt                = ca_default
cert_opt                = ca_default
default_crl_days        = 30
default_days            = 365
default_md              = sha1
preserve                = no
policy                  = policy_match

[ policy_match ]
countryName             = match
stateOrProvinceName     = match
organizationName        = match
organizationalUnitName  = optional
commonName              = supplied
emailAddress            = optional

[ usr_cert ]
basicConstraints        = CA:FALSE
subjectKeyIdentifier    = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier  = keyid,issuer:always
nsCaRevocationUrl       =

It might look long and complicated, but most of it is pretty self explanatory. What you should edit is the root_ca_distinguished_name section and the nsCaRevocationUrl.

Then initialize the “certificate counters”, like so:

echo "01" > conf/serial
touch conf/index

Finally, generate a CA key pair (public and private root.pem files):

openssl req -nodes -config conf/openssl.conf -days 1825 -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -out public/root.pem -outform PEM

Creating a server key pair

On the server for which you want to obtain a signed certificate, do this:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.csr

Then you can transfer the server.csr file to the CA’s requests directory.

Signing the CSR

Simply call this command and you get a signed certificate server.cert from a request server.csr:

openssl ca -batch -config conf/openssl.conf -in requests/server.csr -out certs/server.cert

Setting up SSL in Apache

Somewhere in the httpd.conf or inside a virtual host configuration add these lines:

 Listen 443
 SSLEngine on
 SSLCertificateFile /path/to/keys/server.cert
 SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/keys/server.key
 SSLCertificateChainFile /path/to/keys/root.pem

These lines activate SSL and the port for SSL, specify server certificate, private certificate key and (optionally) root CA certificate. After restarting the server, HTTPS should be ready to use.

Importing and using

Different applications have different ways of importing trusted CA certificates.

On Windows, you just “execute” the certificate and install it into the appropriate category. This should take care of most of your applications. Web browser (e.g. Firefox) might need to have this certificate installed explicitly, ignoring certificates in the OS.

On Linux, look for /etc/ca-certificates.conf, add the certificate filename there and copy the file to /usr/share/ca-certificates/. Then run update-ca-certificates –fresh to recreate the list of known certificates.


Based on these articles:

Awesome PicoPosts Projects

New Homepage

After uniting both of my personal domains ( and to have the same content, I’ve prepared a new personal hompage.


The purpose of this page is to act as a simple roadsign with directions to all of my projects and pages.
There is also a little “easter egg” floating around that page. Try to find it!