I was shopping around on Aliexpress, looking at the current options for a small e-ink display. To find out if there was maybe something I could attach to the back of my future PinePhone. And then I discovered this:
LILYGO® TTGO T5 V2.2 ESP32 2.9″ EPaper Plus Module E-Ink Speakers

It is an ESP32 SoC with a 2.9″ e-ink display, microSD card slot, speaker and 4 buttons, all on a single board. Ready to be programmed. There is even a GIT repository (not just one, but two!) for a ready-built firmware.
This gave me an idea — how about building a tiny low-power, WiFi/Bluetooth-enabled ebook reader? Sounds like a plan!
I ordered the “version 2.4” of the board, whatever that means: Aliexpress link

Originally I was considering getting the Black-White-Red version of the display, but then I found out that the red color takes ages (up to 8 seconds) to redraw, so I went for the regular e-ink display. Hopefully it comes soon!