My “short” initial info about distributed social networks and Friendica.
Author: dejvino
WPConn looking good
My Friendica –> WordPress Connector (wpconn) is looking good! It is able to assign the right categories to the post as specified in the original Friendica post.
For more info:
This song is simply awesome. In both versions:
We Are Pirates
We Are Pirates (Folk Version)
KeePass is a great Windows keyring for keeping passwords safe. Automatic username+password filling and all that good stuff. Synchronizing the encrypted storage as a file in DropBox makes it an awesome portable tool.
New keyboard
I just bought a Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000. If some of my texts turn out weird, it is because of this thing.
The current Friendica –> WordPress connection is not as fully implemented as I hoped for it to be. It can only create a post with title+content, but the post is not assigned to any category, no tags are added. This should be fixed and I am tempted to do it. It would mean playing around with PHP and XML-RPC. Yum!
Being connected is awesome.
Post from Friendica
Posting from phone to Friendica connected to WordPress? Hell yeah!